Music Ave.

This website is meant to help those who want to become musicians and show them the path towards reaching that kind of career. This website will provide the kind of education needed in order to become a musician, and will show the kind of lifestyle and things that muscians do as part of their career.

Examples Of Well Known Musicians

1.Jimi Hendrix
2.John Mayer
3.Muddy Waters
4.BB King
5.Carlos Santana

These musicians all became musicins because of their skill, however there is many other ways one can become a musician. One can become a musician from going to school and being a music major. In that field of study one could eventually join a music group and gig around playing for different venues. That is still considered being a muscian even though the people playing are not as famous as my honorable mentions.

Schooling is one way to become a musician. This is probably one of the most secure ways of becoming a musician because it is required for music majors to be part of a music group. Being part of music groups allows for gigging to happen and makes it easier for someone to actually be considered a muscian because it is a requirement for them to play with the music group because that is how they get their experience.

Example Of Musicians
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